Thursday, February 16, 2012

a portrait

a frame will encompass something inside of it, give it a place from which to view, a place from which to observe the object of the framing
the frame of mind this creates is our starting point to what is beyond and yet captured by borders of the physical
yet doorways to imagination
a painting on your wall divides home from art from home again, a frame divides borders from art from home
the painting without borders bleeds out from mind to hand to medium to sight to mind again - the very journey our name and image takes upon death and life inside memory begins
once inside we harbor something that grows and changes and splits and decides with us what it is supposed to mean to us and maybe, just maybe, what we think it is for everyone else (such envy).

A portrait of what I am remains on the mirror and gives me a view into who I am, unabashed by all except ego.

i let these colours bleed from paint
i faint and let loose, let soul feed
i plant seeds and my ghost hovers
i let this art tell me i am patron saint
of art inside these eyes